Become the Driver of your Business and your Life

Essential for becoming the best version of myself

Simona has the amazing ability to see one's potential and help bring that out. I had the pleasure of working with her for 1 year and a half.

The time spent has been essential in my growth process and in becoming the best version of myself.

As I continue to learn I think of her with deep respect and take inspiration from how she lives her life.

Rianna Postma
Experienced Financial Transformation & Innovation Architect at Rianna LLC

"Impactful & Sustainable Vision for the Future" June 2019 - Baku, Azerbaijan

On June,2019 together with the colleagues from SOS CV Baku, SOS CV Ganja and SOS CV Georgia we attended a five-day training in Baku held by international trainer and coach Mrs. Simona Sabbatini.

The facilitator's knowledge and skills, explanations in a simple way, the training theme, the expertise of the participants, and the joint work in advance indicated that the training would be effective. We split up in groups, interacted with the colleagues, shared our knowledge, skills and experience.

Simona made it possible to have an interactive training by engaging every participant into the discussions. In the training we have gained new knowledge about PARETO, PERMA, Four Life Columns, and the importance of Today and Now.
Each of us happily apply what we have learned in our training both in the work and a personal life.

I also use in my family the methods I have learnt during the training. My son was too lazy to do some business, he was late to work and usually left important things for tomorrow. I taught him about the importance of "Today" and the PARETO Law. Now I am very glad that my son does not leave things for tomorrow. He works hard to achieve his dream.

I would like to thank B.E.I. Foundation members and Mrs. Simona Sabbatini for such interesting training.

Almaz Mammadova
Pedagouge, Public Education support Project coordinator

"Lead your Life" February 2020 - Malindi, Kenya

DDD course has helped me a lot in my communication context and in general, the course is useful throughout my family, work, social life and especially to make myself a better person.

I kept postponing to do the course and one day I told to myself, money isn’t gonna be a problem if I can be a better person for life and I’ve never been so satisfied to be in this course.

Though I’m practising on a daily basis what Simona taught me, I’d sometimes miss doing it, but her follow-ups keep me on my track and progress. Not only that I learned the lessons for my entire life, but also I have lifelong friends from the course.

Thanks Simona


Tips: get an extra week to explore by yourself and to be relaxed before or after the course

Indriany Lionggo
Urban Economics and Research Assistant

"Impactful & Sustainable Vision for the Future" June 2019 - Baku, Azerbaijan

I came across with Simona and her workshop in Baku when I was going through a transition in my career and life. At some point, there was so much doubt in my ability to go through that phase. Simona has become the silver lining for me and she still is. Having talked to her during our sessions gave me so much hope and a push to go forward and not to stop. Finally, I could meet this amazing person during her 5 day workshop in Baku. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I learned so much. I started looking at life from a different lens.

Most of all I understood that there is a hidden potential in everyone of us. This belief has changed my perception of life and always pushes me forward in whatever I do.

Simona is an amazing person with lots of positive energy. During the workshop she goes above and beyond to answer all of your questions in a clear and concise way.

If you ever come across her workshops/seminars, please, please join in!
You will gain so much and more than you expect.


The coach full of love and dedication to people

The coach full of love and dedication to people and children! It was a true pleasure to work closely for one week in empowerment workshop for the children deprived of parental care. The ability to adapt the workshop appropriate to the children ability to perceive and be involved is on a high professional level!

Thank you, my dear Simona!

Fidan Suleymanova
Education Project Manager at SOS Children's Villages Azerbaijan

"Lead your Life" October 2018 - Malindi, Kenya

A 60 anni i giochi – quelli importanti – sembrano fatti ma la strada è ancora lunga e la voglia di proseguire in nuove direzioni c’è, ma come si può reinventare un futuro meno scontato e aperto al nuovo?

Si va dall’altra parte dell’Equatore per staccarsi dalle routine, guardarsi a distanza e lasciarsi guidare in percorsi inesplorati. Che meraviglia è stato far emergere le perle del passato, i punti di forza sconosciuti, sottovalutati, dimenticati: dei veri salvavita da usare al bisogno.

E quanta ricchezza procura l’acquisire strumenti e tecniche per costruire nuovi percorsi e raggiungere obiettivi. Vivo l’oggi con la gioia dell’esserci, scegliendo con cura chi e cosa mi fa stare bene.

Grazie Simona, esempio di dedizione, gaiezza, costanza e bellezza profonda.
Grazie anche al tuo staff per l’accoglienza e l’ospitalità puntuale, sollecita e discreta.


Bright, focused, innovative and supportive trainer!

Simona is a bright, focused, innovative and supportive trainer.

I adore her way of presentation and interaction during trainings.

Tambo Saidi
Community Liaison Officer, Malindi Solar Group

"Lead your Life" October 2018 - Malindi, Kenya

… ero arrivata, senza accorgermene nel mio percorso di vita, in un luogo sconosciuto.
….Capita quando si è impegnati a vivere con quel senso di urgenza e di priorità che assillano i nostri giorni.

Non è stata una ricerca, ma l’opportunità di partecipare a “Lead your Life” si è come “materializzata” davanti a me! Era quello di cui avevo bisogno! Rivedere i miei progetti, le mie mete, la mia evoluzione, il mio crescere , il mio miglioramento.
Avevo bisogno di riprendere in mano situazioni trascurate, rivedere il mio vissuto alla luce del presente ma sopratutto nella prospettiva del domani. Rifare la valigia , guardare la cartina, e attrezzarmi per un viaggio speciale. Avevo necessità di ri-centrarmi e cogliere ….l’essenziale!!! E così è stato!

Grata a Simona alle mie amiche di viaggio ( le Farfalle di Ottobre) e a tutte le persone che ci hanno sostenuto e assistito in questa esperienza ….
